IzSruRecord class

class almasru.client.IzSruRecord(mms_id: str | None = None, xml: Element | None = None, base_url: str | None = None, nz_url: str | None = None)

Class representing a single XML IZ record from SRU

Either xml or mms_id must be provided. If mms_id is provided the constructor will fetch the record through SRU query.

  • mms_id – mms_id of the record to fetch

  • error – boolean, is True in case of error

  • error_messages – list of string with the error messages

  • warning – boolean, is True in case of warning

  • warning_messages – list of string containing the warning messages

  • sru_clientalmasru.client.SruClient used to fetch the record

  • sru_clientalmasru.client.SruClient used to fetch the record in the NZ -> useful to test links with NZ ID (in 773 or 830 field, for example)

get_035_fields(self, var: bool = False, slsp_only: bool = False) Set[str]

Return a set of system numbers of 035 fields


Network ID inside 035 is simplified by removing prefix

  • var – Parameters: flag indicating if truncated system numbers should be tested

  • slsp_only – Parameters: flag indicating if only slsp system numbers should be returned


Set of strings with the system IDs of 035 fields

get_bib_level(self) Literal['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'i', 'm', 's']

Get the bib level of the record

Fetch the 7th position of the leader field.


str with the bib level

get_child_analytical_records(self) List['SruRecord']

Get the list of analytical records. Check only existing 773 fields and not leader.


list of almasru.client.SruRecord

get_child_rec(self) Dict

check if the records appears in other records

Check system numbers and standard numbers to find records that are linked to the current record.


dictionary describing the result of analysis. Keys are following:

  • ’MMS_ID’: current record ID

  • ’related_records_found’: boolean indicating if related records have been found

  • ’number_of_rel_recs’: number of related records found

  • ’related_records’: list of almasru.client.SruRecords

  • ’fields_related_records’: list of fields.

get_child_rec_std_num(self) Dict

Check if the given system number appears in other records.


dictionary describing the result of analysis

get_child_rec_sys_num(self) Dict

Check if the given system number appears in other records.


dictionary describing the result of analysis

get_child_removable_candidate_rec(self) List['SruRecord']

Get a list of child related records that are maybe removable

Fetch records containing specific field with link to the current record. Considered fields are ‘773’, ‘800’, ‘810’, ‘811’, ‘830’.


list of almasru.client.SruRecord

get_inventory_info(self) List[Dict]

Get information about the record in the IZ

The method analyse the 852 fields and returns a list with dictionaries containing: - “IZ”: IZ code - “MMS ID”: MMS ID of the record in the IZ - “format”: format of the record, “P” for print, “E” for electronic, “D” for digital


list of records in the IZ linked to the NZ record

get_isbn(self) Set[str]

Fetch ISBN of the current record

Fetch the content of all 020$$a


set of ISBN

get_issn(self) Set[str]

Fetch ISSN of the current record

Fetch the content of all 022$$a


set of ISSN

get_iz_record(self, server_url: str) 'IzSruRecord' | None

Return almasru.client.IzSruRecord from provided server url


server_url – string with url of the IZ SRU server




the function doesn’t work in all cases. It can only found records with inventory.

get_iz_using_rec(self) List[str]

Get the list of IZ using this record

This method analyses the 852 fields and returns the list of IZ using the current NZ record.


list of IZ using this record.

get_mms_id(self) str | None

Get MMS_ID of the current record


string containing the MMS_ID, None in case of error or no data available


Fetch MMS ID of the network zone


MMS ID of the network zone from 035 field

get_parent_rec(self) Dict

Get parents records of the current record

Uses the content of fields 7xx and 8xx to get all parent records. the method checks standard numbers in subfields “x” or “z” and system numbers in “w” subfield.


dictionary describing the result of the analysis

get_parent_removable_candidate_rec(self) List['SruRecord']

Get a list of child related records that are maybe removable

Check 773 of the current record and look for potential parent records.


list of almasru.client.SruRecord


analyse(self, removable_rec_mms_id: Optional[List[str]] = None) => List[str] Analyse the record to find reasons preventing deletion


removable_rec_mms_id – list of MMS_ID of records that are safe to be removed. This is used to avoid records of the list currently being processed to be considered as preventing deletion.


list of string with the reasons preventing deletion

get_standard_numbers(self) Set[str]

Fetch all ISSN and ISBN of the records


set of standard numbers

is_removable(self, removable_rec_mms_id: List[str] | None = None) Tuple[bool, str]

Check if a record is safe to be removed


removable_rec_mms_id – list of MMS_ID of records that are safe to be removed. This is used to avoid records of the list currently being processed to be considered as preventing deletion.

The method checks related records and inventory in IZ. 1. Test if the record has 852 fields. It would indicate existing holding in any IZ 2. Test if record has analytical records children (children linked with 773 field) 3. Test if the record is target of 8xx or 773 fields of other records 4. Test if the record has a 773 field targeting a record with inventory


tuple containing bool indicating if the record can be safely removed and a message.

save(self) None

Save the xml data of the record in the ./records folder. Filename is rec_<mms_id>.xml

