Get started


pip install almasru


It is possible to configure the logs. The log files are stored in the ./log folder.

from almasru import config_log

# Will store the logs in the `./log/test.log` file

Records backups

The save method of all records creates a backup of the record in the ./records folder.

Check if records are removable

The library can check if a record is removable. It checks if inventory exists or related records. Cannot be deleted:

  • Record with inventory in any IZ (electronic, digital or print)

  • Child record linked with 773 field if the parent has inventory

  • Parent records with children having inventory (linked with 8XX)

Orphan children or parents are also tested.

# Import libraries
from almasru.client import SruClient, SruRecord, SruRequest
from almasru.utils import check_removable_records
from almasru import config_log
import pandas as pd


# Config logs

df = check_removable_records(['991089939809705501', '991130348859705501'])